Posting in the Group Feed & Discussion Forums

All languages are welcome in the Rehabilitation Community! Members are encouraged to use English if they feel comfortable, however you may post in your preferred language if it makes sense in the group. Check out the user guide on languages to learn more about using languages other than English and translating posts and discussions.

Areas where discussions can be viewed on the Rehabilitation Community

There are three areas where discussions can be viewed on the Rehabilitation Community:

  1. Group feed
  2. Group discussions
  3. Forums

Group Feed

The group feed is a great place to catch up on the latest discussion and activity happening in the group. By default, all posts and discussions are displayed in the group feed, with the most recent activity at the top. The feed also announces when new members have joined the group. 

Group discussions

Discussions offer a more structured way to discuss a topic of interest. All discussions will be listed on the group feed, but are accessed via the Discussions tab in the horizontal menu bar within each group. 


The Forum shows a summarised view of all the discussions occurring across the platform. You can view them by group or in a list format. Note that only discussions from Public groups will be displayed in the Forums section of the Rehabilitation Community.

All members of a group are encouraged to join conversations, start new discussions or post their own experiences, questions and announcements that may be of interest to other members. To learn more about the different types of group members and facilitating discussions check out the Discussion guide for all members.

Commenting or Replying on an existing post in the feed

When you join a group in the Rehabilitation Community for the first time, there may already be posts or announcements on the group feed. You can reply to any of these by clicking on the ‘Comment’ button found below the original post.

This will open a new text field where you can type your message and share a photo or document if it’s relevant to the discussion. Click the Post button to add your contribution to the feed.

You can also respond to existing replies to a post in the feed by clicking ‘Reply’ at the bottom of the reply you wish to respond to. This will add your message with a slight indent underneath the reply to indicate it relates to the message above. 

Other ways to contribute to a post in the feed:

  • You can draw attention to specific members of the group by typing @ followed by their username. 
  • You can ‘Like’ the post by clicking ‘like’.  There is no limit to the number of posts you can like in a feed.

Always when joining a group make your first post an introduction about yourself! 

Posting in the group feed

Depending on the group settings, all members can (and are encouraged to!) add a new post in the group feed whenever they have something of interest to share (e.g. an update on their practice, upcoming training or webinar etc.)

To add a new post, go to the group feed, Click on the text box at the top of the feed (it has your profile picture on the left hand side with the text ‘share something with the group). A new text box will appear where you can type your message. Click Post to add your message to the feed. 

You may also add photos, or documents to the feed by selecting the relevant icons and uploading the files from your device. You can also personalise your post by adjusting the format (add web links, bold or italic text as well as lists and numbered lists) or adding emojis. 

Discussions: joining discussions and posting new topics

Not all groups will have a section for discussions or a discussion forum. This is up to the group organiser to determine whether it is a feature that will add value to the group.

You can view all the discussion topics in a group by going to the discussions section. When you find a topic that is of interest to you, click on the title to view the full discussion post along with the contributions that have been posted so far. 

To post your own contribution, click on the blue Reply button on the right hand side of the discussion topic. If you wish to respond to an existing reply in the discussion, click ‘Reply’ on the right hand side of the post. 

This will open a text box where you can type your contribution. You can also:

  • Add photos or documents that are relevant to the discussion topic. 
  • Format your message with bold, or italic text, hyperlinks, lists and numbered lists
  • Add Tags in the text box below the main message. These are keywords related to your message that will allow others to search and find your discussion post more easily.
  • Choose to receive email notifications each time there is a new message added to the discussion. Click on the check box labeled ‘Notify me of replies via email’

Once you are happy with your contribution, click the Post button to add it to the discussion. You can edit your post within 120 minutes of posting, however only the group Organiser can delete it and make further changes.

Watch the video above to learn more about joining discussions and replying to existing discussion posts.

Start a new discussion topic

To start a new discussion topic go to the discussions section of the group and click on the ‘New discussion’ button in blue on the right hand side at the top of the discussions section.

This will open a text box where you can type your contribution. The text box is divided into sections:

  • Discussion title. Here you can add a brief title describing the discussion topic. As you type, a dropdown menu will appear showing existing discussion topics. This is a useful guide to ensure that you are not repeating a discussion that is already in progress.
  • Discussion content. Type additional details about the discussion. Consider the purpose of the discussion and the various points you wish to discuss with the group members.

You may also add photos, or documents to the feed by selecting the relevant icons and uploading the files from your device. You can also personalise your post by adjusting the format (add web links, bold or italic text as well as lists and numbered lists) or adding emojis. 

You can also:

  • Add photos or documents that are relevant to the discussion topic
  • Format your message with bold, or italic text, hyperlinks, lists and numbered lists
  • Add Tags in the text box below the main message. These are keywords related to your message that will allow others to search and find your discussion post more easily
  • Choose to receive email notifications each time there is a new message added to the discussion. Click on the check box labeled ‘Notify me of replies via email’

Once you are happy with your contribution, click the Post button to add it to the discussion. You can edit your post within 30 minutes. Only your group organiser or moderator is able to delete the post or make further changes. 

Keep track of discussions 

If you would like to receive email notifications each time there is a new reply to the discussion, you can click on the ‘Subscribe’ button. You can unsubscribe to the discussion at any time.

Adding the discussion to ‘Your discussions’ allows you to access the discussion quickly and easily when you wish to continue participating. You can do this by clicking on the white ‘Favorite’ button. ‘Your discussions’ can be accessed by clicking on the icon on the vertical toolbar on the left hand side of the screen.